Show RMAN parameters
RMAN> show all;
Check backup jobs
set pagesize 0;
select start_time as "Data", status as "Result" from v$rman_backup_job_details order by 1;
SQL> SELECT start_time, end_time, input_type, input_type, status FROM v$rman_backup_job_details ORDER BY 1;
SQL> SELECT vbd.file#, vrbjd.start_time, vrbjd.end_time, vbd.incremental_level, vrbjd.input_type, vrbjd.status FROM v$rman_backup_job_details vrbjd, v$backup_datafile vbd WHERE vbd.completion_time BETWEEN vrbjd.start_time AND vrbjd.end_time AND vrbjd.input_type <> 'ARCHIVELOG' ORDER BY 2,1;
Status of the last backup
SQL> select status from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS where end_time = (select max( end_time) from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS);
Age in days of the last backup
SQL> select round(sysdate - end_time) from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS where end_time = (select max( end_time) from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS);
Report of all backups: full, incremental and archivelog backups
col STATUS format a15;
col hrs format 999.99;
col INPUT_TYPE format a10;
col START_TIME format a15;
col END_TIME format a15;
to_char(START_TIME,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') start_time,
to_char(END_TIME,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') end_time,
elapsed_seconds/3600 hrs
ORDER BY session_key;
Size and date of Incremental Backups
SQL> SELECT end_time, ROUND(output_bytes/1024/1024) as Size_Mb FROM V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS WHERE input_type = 'DB INCR' ORDER BY end_time DESC;
RMAN> list backup
Get max SCN numbers contained in the last online backup
SQL> select max(checkpoint_Change#) from (select max(COMPLETION_TIME) dt from v$backup_datafile) temp, v$backup_datafile bd where temp.dt =bd.COMPLETION_TIME;
This will give SCN of last backup, it could be levlel1 and level 0, you can modify above as per your backup schedule
select ctime "Date"
, decode(backup_type, 'L', 'Archive Log', 'D', 'Full', 'Incremental') backup_type
, bsize "Size MB"
from (select trunc(bp.completion_time) ctime
, backup_type
, round(sum(bp.bytes/1024/1024),2) bsize
from v$backup_set bs, v$backup_piece bp
where bs.set_stamp = bp.set_stamp
and bs.set_count = bp.set_count
and bp.status = 'A'
group by trunc(bp.completion_time), backup_type)
order by 1, 2;
Last backup, SQL for v$backup_set
SQL> select * from v$backup_set where completion_time > sysdate-7 order by completion_time desc;
Most recent backup, SQL for rc_backup_set
SQL> select * from rc_backup_set where completion_time > sysdate-7 order by completion_time desc;
Most recently completed RMAN backup
SQL> select * from rc_backup_set where backup_type = 'D' and controlfile_included = 'BACKUP' order by completion_time desc;
Newest_backupset_time for RMAN backup
SQL> select db_name, newest_backup_time from rman.rc_backupset_summary where dn_name = 'ORCL';
Outer join rc_backupset_summary into rc_database to see the RMAN latest backup start time
SQL> select name, max(start_time) from rman.rc_database d, rman.rc_backup_set s where db_id(+) = dbid group by name order by 2 desc;
RMAN backup status start and end times
select operation, status, object_type, to_char(start_time,'mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mi:ss') as start_time, to_char(end_time,'mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mi:ss') as end_time
from v$rman_status
where start_time > SYSDATE -1
and operation = 'BACKUP'
and object_type = 'DB FULL'
order by start_time desc;